Content List For Intermediate Learners
Articles and Nouns
Articles (a/ an / the / no articles )
Adjectives and Adverbs
Comparative & Superlative adjective and adverbs
~ed /~ing adjective
Compound adjective (a 3-year old boy)
Conditional / If
First Conditional
Second Conditional
First and Second Conditionals
Third Conditional
Gerund and Infinitives
Gerund and infinitives
Gerund and Infinitives (used to / be used to)
Linking words
Clause of contrast, purpose and reason
So… that … / such … that …
Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs - Rules & Advice (have to, must, should)
Modal Verbs - Ability (can, could, be able to)
Modal Verbs - Making a guess (must ,might , could , can't)
Modal Verbs - Suggestions ( had better, it's time )
Modal Verbs - Preference ( would rather )
Passive Voice
Passive voice
Active and passive voice
Prepositions and Phrasal Verbs
Verb with preposition
Adjective with preposition
Prepositions of time (during, for, while)
Prepositions of time (for , since , from)
Phrasal Verbs (1) (Verbs starting from B to G)
Phrasal Verbs (2) (Verbs starting from G to P)
Phrasal Verbs (3) (Verbs starting from P to W)
Pronouns and Quantifiers
Reflexive pronouns (myself)
Another, other, others
Quantifiers (much, many, little, few, any, no)
Quantifiers (all, both)
Quantifiers (both, either, neither)
Quantifiers (any, no, none)
Question Tags
Question tags
Relative Clause
Relative Clause (defining / non-defining)
Reported Speech / Indirect Speech
Reported speech
Verb Forms / Tenses
Simple Present and Present Continuous
Present Perfect and Simple Past
Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
Past Tenses (simple, continuous, perfect)
Future Forms (will do, be going to do, is doing)
Mixed Tenses