Content List For Pre-Intermediate Learners
Adjectives, Adverbs and Quantifiers
Comparative & Superlative Adjectives & Adverbs
Too much, too many, enough
Quantifiers (most)
No longer, not any longer
Quantifiers (all, every, both)
Conditional / If
First conditional
Second conditional
Forming Questions
Forming questions (1)
Forming questions (2)
Linking words
Expressing purpose (to/ for)
Expressing contrast, reason, result, sequence
So am I; Neither am I
Modal Verbs
Modal Verbs (have to, must)
Modal Verbs (should)
Modal Verbs (might)
Used to
Passive Voice
Passive Voice
Prepositions / Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal verbs
Prepositions of movement
Prepositions of time
Personal Pronouns (I, me, my, mine)
Indefinite Pronouns (someone, anyone, no one, everyone)
Reported Speech / Indirect Speech
Reported speech
Relative Clause
Relative Clause
Verb Forms / Tenses
Simple Present and Present Continuous
Simple Past
Future (will vs be going to)
Future (be ~ing)
Present Perfect
Present Perfect and Simple Past
Past Continuous and Simple Past
Past Perfect and Simple Past
Mixed Tenses
Verbs not used in continuous tenses
Gerund (~ing) and Infinitives
Verb Collocations
Using 'go'
Using' do' and 'make'
Using 'get'
Verbs with direct or indirect object